Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Steps to Success

1.       Avoid Negativity --- I think this is the most important internship tip because being in a negative state of mind can throw off your entire mission. Meaning you can lose your focus, ultimately killing your internship or any further opportunities.  I already do my best to stay positive and  I plan to not let my anger to get the best of so I stay focused on why I am there; and that’s to succeed.

2.       Set Personal Goals --- Setting goals is key to staying motivated. It keeps you on task inside and outside of work.  In my internship I plan to always have something in the back of my mind that’s tangible, that I want to accomplish just as I do now.

3.       Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions --- I’m a curious person so I always ask questions if I don’t understand something and when I just want to know more. Knowledge is a power that can take you far in life and I plan to maintain that power.

4.       Network --- Like it is always stressed to us networking is what’s going to get you where you want to go. It’s important to build it now and strengthen it. Although it is a challenge for me to come out of my comfort zone I plan on pushing myself to speak up more and meet people who can help me and I can help them.

5.       Get as Much exposure as possible --- Meaning, don’t limit yourself to your comfort zone or to your personal wants. Any opportunity that comes to gain a new experience should be taken advantage of quickly. If I get a chance to move out of department and learn something new I’m going to jump on it.

6.       Find a mentor --- having someone to guide you and help you throughout your journey is going to be something I will look forward to doing so I’m going to do my best to build good relationships with the people around me

7.       Never shun a chance to learn more about the company/industry --- this could lead to many opportunities if your just push yourself to go the extra mile so that is what I want to do even before I start on my first day.

8.       Leave with tangible accomplishments --- For me it would be just being there every day on time and doing my work is an accomplishment. Any other chances I get to prove myself will most likely result in me doing it.
9.       Take Initiative --- Showing initiative gives an impression of a hard worker. You can’t let your down time be all about nothing. That’s the time you would want to prove yourself and build a reputation of an independent/team player.
10.   Enjoy yourself --- If it’s something new or something I don’t understand I’m going to make a way to make it interesting. Whether to myself or out loud I want to keep it positive as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I love how high networking and asking questions are on your list! I've seen you grow so much over the past few weeks in improving your confidence with public speaking and sharing your insight in large group settings - keep it up and you're going to be a superstar networker. :)

    As for asking questions, I really identify with what you said about knowledge being power and that that power can be maintained. Since I graduated from college, I haven't been challenging myself intellectually as much as I did when I was in college and had to read hundreds of pages of essays and scholarly articles per week, and I miss it! One of the greatest skills I learned from college is how to look at a situation and ask questions that really answer the questions "why" and "how." Gaining that skill really helped me develop in my personal life too - it made me sharper and more focused, and helped me learn how to get what I need in a productive and thoughtful way.

    I think this is so applicable to your internship: the more questions you ask to clarify the why and how of the tasks that you perform, and then the more you think about how you can improve the why and how and make things more efficient, will give you incredible power at your internship.

