Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Babies Pushing Babies?

Teenage mothers…a stigma well known and far from grace. Many people have their opinion on this but in reality it is an issue. One that’s been around for a long time. It wasn’t always like that though, back in time it was custom to get married young and have a child. But times have changed; now the law forbids underage sex and marriage. It’s seriously looked down upon. There are many different factors that come into play considering this situation but to most none of them make a difference.

Teen pregnancy is a heavy burden. One of the many reasons it happens is the fad of under aged and unsafe sex. Society considers young parents to be inadequate parents. Young mothers are “hoes or blinded by love.” Young fathers are for the most part, considered “deadbeats.” Over recent years statistics have dropped but the USA still holds the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and teen births in the world.

Some current statistics say:
  •  8 out 10 teen pregnancies are unintended
  •  3 in 10 young women in the U.S. will become pregnant at least once before age 20
  • Over  80% to unmarried teens
  • Adolescent pregnancy costs the U.S.  more than $7 billion each year
  • 820,000 teens become pregnant each year
  • The main rise in teen pregnancy rates is among girls younger than 15
  • Close to 25%  of teen mothers have a 2nd child within 2yrs of the 1st birth
There are many things being done to help solve the issue. As of today 5/2/2012 is the 11th annual national campaign to raise awareness and support of effective teen pregnancy prevention. The month of May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.   Personally I think it’s a great idea. Although it can’t stop early pregnancy it can surely grasp people’s attention.

In my case it makes me think of how I don’t want my 14 month old daughter to become a teen mother. When I was little I never wanted kids, it was never a goal in life. I wanted to be “independent,” I never thougt it would happen to me. That was a stereotype I promised myself I would never fall under. Oh but how quickly that was short lived, just 4 months after I turned 18 I found out I was 6wks pregnant. Earlier in that year I dropped out then later got my GED. Right after I got the big news i had been waiting for, I found out I was accepted into Year Up for class 6. So I had a choice to that would change my life forever. And that decision has changed my life.
I’m a young mother, something I thought would never happen to me. Isn’t it funny how life throws curveballs at you? You have certain things set in mind but nothing goes 100%, I guess the real test is how you choose to adapt and overcome. Work with what you have to make a  positive difference. Being pregnant not even 6 months after I turned legal was such an unbelievable thing. It brought a lot of doubt and judgment. A good handful of people from strangers, friends, and even family didn’t understand or some not even wanting to know my pain, my thoughts, or my story. All they saw was "a girl that looked 14" with a big belly and no hope. But they forgot something whether I was a kid or an adult, I’m still a person. As well as all the other young parents. Humans with equal rights and feelings, more than capable to educate ourselves on whatever comes our way in life.

They were wrong about me; I was and still am a woman. Just because I made mistakes in the past doesn’t mean I can’t change. I’ve always made my own path whether it was good or bad. I do my best to hold down everything and everyone that’s a part of my life. At first being young and pregnant seemed like a “bad” thing considering what I had planned for myself. But I’m happy with the decision I’ve made . I don’t regret it and never will. I carried my lil' Lovely for 9 months, spent 3 days in constant labor, and pushed for 2 and a half hours straight. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world. I want to build a strong foundation for my that’ll inspire her to soar in life.


  1. My heart bleeds for you Corina and don't laugh cause this ain't funny. I honestly how you feel and I am telling you that I am here for you if there is anything you need from me, you can come to me at anytime of the day and start talking to me cause I love it, from the way you carry yourself. Don't you ever forget that I am here for you always no matter what the situation is. Thanks for putting that there because I understand you more and I love it always.

    Your Colleague
    Curtis Brandon

  2. Wow thank u Curtis, i really do appreciate that. I did laugh when i read the 1st sentence but now i see why u said don't laugh. But anyways you're a very good person and a good friend...thank u again :)

  3. Anytime Corina and if you ever need anything let me know1
